Thursday, November 28, 2013


Ok, I’m going to be a little bit cynical here. 

Once again, we have one specific day to show our gratitude, our thanks for all that we have. 

It’s what I frequently call those “Hallmark” holidays…you know the ones…Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc.  Those holidays that forces our society to head to the stores to buy those obligatory flowers, candy, presents, the list is endless.  We get more wrapped up in the WHAT we are buying versus WHO we are wishing to show our appreciation for.

We may fall into that trap with Thanksgiving: the turkey, stuffing and Aunt Martha’s sweet potato casserole.  Everything must be perfect.  A “Martha Stewart” moment or all is lost.  Then Uncle Fred has an issue with cousin Gertrude, the insults fly, Grandma is flinging threats at both.

Or maybe it’s forgoing the dinner in lieu of the shopping deals.  The stores that must make their sales quota in the span of what is now an entire week.  I’m all for capitalistic ventures, for small businesses to prosper and grow.  But at what cost?

Is this what we have to be thankful for?   Do you really need more “stuff”? 

Take a serious look at what you are truly thankful for.  If it’s the “things” in your life, maybe it’s time to reassess.

Maybe it really is about Martha, Fred, Gertrude and Grandma.  But not about the “things” they bring to the table, it’s just having THEM at the table.  Arguments and all!  For we may not be able to put a price tag on the value of that person in our lives, until they are no longer with us. 

For it is then,  that we realize they were priceless.

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